
Kai protein oscillator as cyanobacterial circadian clock

Takao Kondo
Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University and CREST-JST, Nagoya , Japan

We reconstituted the self-sustainable circadian oscillation of phosphorylation state of the cyanobacterial clock protein KaiC by incubating it with KaiA, KaiB, and ATP. This in vitrooscillation persisted robustly and the period was compensated against temperature changes. Period lengths observed in vivo in various kaiC mutants were consistent with those measured using in vitro mixtures containing the respective mutant KaiC proteins. These results indicates that the oscillation of KaiC phosphorylation is the primary pacemaker of the cyanobacterial circadian clock.
We then found that the interactions between KaiA or KaiB with KaiC and mutual regulations of two neighboring phosphorylations of KaiC facilitated the phosphorylation cycle. Moreover, we showed that KaiC possesses extremely weak but temperature-compensated ATPase activity (15 ATPs per day) and that activities of wild-type KaiC and five period-mutant proteins are directly proportional to their in vivo circadian frequencies, indicating that the ATPase activity defines the circadian period. Based on these observations, we propose the KaiC ATPase activity as the most fundamental reaction underlying circadian periodicity of cyanobacteria.
Moreover, KaiC also has novel mechanisms for synchronization. Firstly, the robustness of the KaiC phosphorylation rhythm arises from the rapid synchronization of the phosphorylation state of KaiC proteins. This function would be crucial for the KaiC cycle to sustain its roubustness in the cell where de nove KaiC was added in the intracellular KaiC pool. Secondly, we recently found that the KaiC phosphorylation cycle can be entrained by high/low temperature cycle. Supprisingly, the pattern of entrainment was almost identical to parametric entrainment found in various eukaryotes. Thus, the Kai protein clock is inheritantly designed as the master pacemaker of cyanobacterial circadian clock.

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