
[発生研セミナー]10月27日16:00~リヨン大学Fabrice Lavial先生

2016.10.20 ●セミナー

The 284th IMEG Seminar



【Date】Oct. 27 (Thr), 2016 16:00~17:00
【Venue】Conference room, 1st floor, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics (IMEG), Kumamoto University


【Title】“Deciphering naive ground state pluripotency instruction in mouse embryonic stem cells”


【Speaker】 Fabrice Lavial
Principal investigator
Apoptosis, Cancer and Development Laboratory, Université de Lyon



Understanding pluripotent stem cell biology is a fundamental goal in developmental biology, and research into diverse diseases. To achieve their great medical potential, a thorough understanding of the molecular features instructing pluripotency is required. The pluripotent state was first captured in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESC) over 30 years ago. The conventional mESC culture requires the presence of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) and serum to maintain a self-renewing and pluripotent state. However, a pluripotent “ground state”, bearing resemblance to preimplantation mouse epiblasts, can be established chemically through dual inhibition (2i) of the prodifferentiation Mek/Erk and Gsk3/Tcf3 pathways. However, the existence and the identity of endogenous molecules instructing naive ground state pluripotency remains unknown. Investigating whether and how distinct pluripotent states are endogenously triggered is a crucial objective to better understand preimplantation embryogenesis and somatic cell reprogramming. We will discuss recent findings about signaling pathways instructing naive ground state features acquisition in mESC.


・Netrin-1 regulates somatic cell reprogramming and pluripotency maintenance.
Ozmadenci D, Féraud O, Markossian S, Kress E, Ducarouge B, Gibert B, Ge J, Durand I, Gadot N, Plateroti M, Bennaceur-Griscelli A, Scoazec JY, Gil J, Deng H, Bernet A, Mehlen P, Lavial F. Nat Commun, 2015.
・Bmi1 facilitates primitive endoderm formation by stabilizing Gata6 during early mouse development.
Lavial F, Bessonnard S, Ohnishi Y, Tsumura A, Chandrashekran A, Fenwick MA, Tomaz RA, Hosokawa H, Nakayama T, Chambers I, Hiiragi T, Chazaud C, Azuara V. Genes Dev. 2012



【Contact】Hitoshi Niwa, Dept of Pluripotent Stem Cell Biology (Ext. 6620)