胎盤発生分野 岡江寛明教授が1月より発生研に着任されました。
*This seminar will be held in English
【Date】24 January (Tue), 2023 15:00-16:00
【Venue】発生医学研究所 1 階カンファレンス室 + Zoom
※入室は20名まで、ZOOM 配信します。詳細はメールでお知らせします。
【Title】Unlocking the mysteries of pregnancy with stem cells
【Speaker】胎盤発生分野 岡江 寛明 教授
Department of Trophoblast Research
Professor Hiroaki Okae
The placenta is essential for mammalian development, and its abnormalities can cause various pregnancy complications. Despite its importance, our current knowledge of placental development is very limited compared to other organs, especially in humans. To overcome this problem, we have established a culture system of human trophoblast stem cells (TSCs), paving the way for in vitro studies of human placental development and function. Using human TSCs and other cutting-edge stem cell technologies, we are now studying human implantation, pregnancy complications, and placental evolution. In this talk, I will present our recent study on pregnancy complications and demonstrate the utility of disease-specific human TSCs. I will also talk about our ongoing attempt to decipher the evolutionary relationship between human and mouse trophoblast cells.
【Contact】発生医学研究所形態制御分野 進藤 麻子 (Ext 6538)