
[発生研セミナー] 1/31 17:00~ 京産大 森戸大介先生

2018.01.22 ●セミナー

327th IMEG Seminar (第327回発生研セミナー)



Daisuke Morito, PhD (森戸 大介 博士)
Institute for Protein Dynamics, Kyoto Sangyo University

Physiological and pathological functions of moyamoya disease-associated gene mysterin


Date: January 31, 17:00~18:00 (2018) (平成30年1月31日(水))
Venue: Conference room, 1st floor, IMEG (発生医学研究所1階カンファレンス室)


Mysterin gene encodes a large intracellular protein with a molecular mass of about 600 kDa, which exerts putative mechanical ATPase (AAA+) activity and ubiquitin ligase activity in cells. Its missense SNPs and mutations significantly elevate the risk of moyamoya disease, a cerebrovascular disorder with unknown etiology; however, its physiological and pathological roles remain largely elusive. We recently succeeded in identifying its biological role in cells. Mysterin was involved in the metabolic regulation in cells. The ATPase and ubiquitin ligase activities of mysterin were both important for this process. In the seminar, I would like to discuss our recent data on the physiological role of mysterin and potential pathological mechanism of moyamoya disease.


1. #Liu W, #Morito D et al., PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e22542.
2. Morito D et al., Sci Rep. 2014 Mar 24;4:4442.
3. Kotani Y, *Morito D et al., Sci Rep. 2015 Nov 4;5:16161.
4. Kotani Y, *Morito D et al., Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 9;7:44293.


多数のご来聴を歓迎します。講演は英語です。(This seminar will be presented in English)


連絡先:分子細胞制御分野 小椋 光(内線6578)