August 26, 2009
Global COE Research Funding Project for Young Scientists
Fiscal Year 2009
By Kumamoto University Global COE Program
“Cell Fate Regulation Research and Education Unit”
We will provide financial support for talented young scientists who belong to the COE Liaison Laboratory. We are looking forward to outstanding research proposals on cell fate regulation.
1 .Qualification for Applicants
Applicants should be members of the COE Liaison Laboratory, and also be graduate school students (doctoral course) or post-doctoral fellows [excluding those who are employed or supported by other than Kumamoto University, such as Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellowship-DC and private companies]. Global COE Research Associates and Junior Research Associates can also apply.
Those who are chosen are required to participate in the COE activities including COE Liaison Laboratory seminars.
2 .Project Supervisor
For a given project, a supervisor (a full-time professor, associate professor or lecturer of Kumamoto University who is a qualified instructor at graduate school: For an applicant who does not have such a supervisor, one of the 13 COE program members will be assigned as their supervisor) shall supervise the research and will undertake responsibility of the accomplishment of the project. Applicants should obtain the approval of the supervisor prior to submitting the application.
3 .Research field
Basic or applied research related to cell fate regulation
4 .Limitation of Number of Applications
Each applicant can apply for one project.
5 .Details of financial support and Number of acceptances
For graduate school students;
-Research expenses for consumables up to 500,000 yen per project.
-Up to 16 projects will be selected.
Not intended for travel expenses. Ask Global COE Research Promotion Office for details.
For post-doctoral fellows;
– Research expenses for consumables up to 1,500,000 yen per project.
-Up to 8 projects will be selected.
Not intended for travel expenses. Ask Global COE Research Promotion Office for details.
6 .Selection Process
The COE program members evaluate and rate the proposals, and choose the expected number of applicants.
7. Submission of Documents
The application form will be obtained from the Global COE Office or Web site of IMEG.
One original and 13 copies completed in English (each printed on both sides of one A4 sheet) should be submitted to the following address ( E-mail is not accepted) :
Global COE Research Promotion Office (1F in the COE Liaison Laboratory)
Takeshi Nishikawa, Akiko Yoshimoto
TEL: 096-373-5006, or extension 5006 in the University
8.Application Deadline
2:00pm , September 25 (Friday), 2009
9.Condition to Receive Support
Those who receive research expenditure under this project are not allowed to receive a similar aid from any other entity simultaneously.
Those who receive research funds under this project should submit a comprehensive report on the research (reporting style will be notified) to the Global COE Office by February 26 (Friday), 2010.