Matsuura, K*., Katsumoto, K*., Fukuda, K., Kume, K. and Kume, S. Conserved origin of the ventral pancreas in chicken. Mech. Dev.doi:10.1016/j.mod.2009.07.009 (* equal contribution)
To determine the origin of the ventral pancreas, a fate map of the ventral pancreas was constructed using DiI crystal or CM-DiI to mark regions of the early chick endoderm: this allowed correlations to be established between specific endoderm sites and the positions of their descendants. First, the region lateral to the 7- to 9-somite level, which has been reported to contribute to the ventral pancreas, was shown to contribute mainly to the intestine or the dorsal pancreas. At the 10 somite stage (ss), the ventral pre-pancreatic cells reside laterally at the 2-somite level, at the lateral boarder of the somite. At this stage, however, the fate of these cells has not yet segregated and they contribute to the ventral pancreas and to the intestine or bile duct. The ventral pancreas fate segregated at the 17 ss; the cells residing at the somite boarder at the 4-somite level at the 17 ss were revealed to contribute to the ventral pancreas. Interestingly, the dorsal and the ventral pancreatic buds are different in both origin and function. These two pancreatic buds begin to fuse at day 7 (HH 30) of embryonic development. However, whereas the dorsal pancreas gives rise to both Insulin-expressing endocrine and Amylase-expressing exocrine cells, the ventral pancreas gives rise to Amylase-expressing exocrine cells, but not Insulin-expressing endocrine cells before day 7 (HH 30) of embryonic development.
Figure Fate map about ventral pancreas The ventral pancreas fate segregated at the 17 somite stage (ss). Cells residing at the somite boarder at the 4-somite level near the vitelline vein at the 17 ss contribute to the ventral pancreas.